Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Photo Transfer Technique

We have all seen different types of photo transfers done, but this technique really caught my eye. I thought it was very cool and easy. This project came from Craft Lab on HGTV guest Josie Cirincione joins host Jennifer Perkins to create a story box collage. You can click on the title above for a direct link to the entire project. But, I am just going to highlight the photo transfer portion. Josie took a regular piece of packing tape and placed it on top of a black and white copy of a photo. She used a bone folder to burnish the tape on the photo, meaning just really rub it on there and get out any bubbles, etc. Be sure to cut off the excess paper not covered by tape, she said it was easier to work with. Submerge the taped image in warm water until the paper is saturated and can easily be rubbed off with your finger. Take the image out of the water and slowly roll and rub the paper off until it is all gone. Be gentle. Once the paper is gone, just blot it dry to remove any remaining water. The beauty of transferring the image on tape is that the tape still stays sticky! You can add it to your new surface. Josie used a playing card to adhere it to. Trim the excess and voila you have a cool new transferred image. If you have a larger object to transfer she said you could use clear transfer paper. You will have to experiment with different copiers. You can't use an ink jet printer since you are submerging it in water, the image would run. A "fresh" copy would work best rather than one that has been sitting around for awhile. I can't wait to try this technique.

Happy crafting,
Madame Craftsalot

1 comment:

Jennifer Perkins said...

Glad you like the episode. Josie has an amazing book too with more cool projects and the things we did on the show. I bought myself and my crafty mom a copy I loved it so much!